KJÁR has been trained and taimed since January 2008 and got a lot of riding. He is for sale. Behind him is VIRFILL also for sale.
Ljósmyndari: Drífa Kristjánsdóttir | Staður: Torfastöðum | Tekin: 25.10.2008 | Bætt í albúm: 28.10.2008
KJÁR was taimed and trained from January 2008 and this summer he got a lot of training and riding. He is the son of HÁREKUR IS1995188508 from Torfastöðum and RÁN from Torfastöðum. He is a promising riding horse and is for sale.
Drífa Kristjánsdóttir, 28.10.2008 kl. 11:43
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KJÁR was taimed and trained from January 2008 and this summer he got a lot of training and riding. He is the son of HÁREKUR IS1995188508 from Torfastöðum and RÁN from Torfastöðum. He is a promising riding horse and is for sale.
Drífa Kristjánsdóttir, 28.10.2008 kl. 11:43